Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Manual or Automatic???

When perusing roller garage doors you will notice that the main difference is whether they are manual or automatically operated. Please find below a list of differences you should consider before deciding upon what kind of roller garage door you would prefer:

1. Price
roller garage doors

Even though the garage door stays exactly the same, depending upon whether it is a manual or automatic roller garage door will have an effect on the price.

Because manual roller garage doors do not require any extra specialist mechanism, they are the cheaper option. Roller garage doors are also fairly light and so opting for a manual door is not, typically, a huge inconvenience.

If you prefer automatic roller garage doors you have to be willing to pay that little bit extra for the tubular motor that will need to be built into barrel that rests on top of the garage door opening. However this added element can make the installation process a little more difficult.

2. Installation

If you are choosing your garage door based upon the installation difficulty then the manual roller garage doors will be best for you. As there is no extra automatic element to be installed then the manual option is the easiest choice.

However, by opting for the easy option concerning installation you may be limiting yourself in terms of operation.

3. Operation

roller garage doors
Obviously manual roller garage doors require you to physically open and close the garage door yourself, where as the automatic roller garage doors allow you to open and close the garage doors via the use of a battery powered remote.
Therefore, if the weather is horrific or you are disabled in anyway an automatic garage roller door will be the most appropriate option.
However, if you do choose an automatic garage door you will need electricity access.

4. Access to Electricity

Obviously automatic roller garage doors require electricity access and therefore if electricity is not already available one would need to either consider supplying the garage with electricity or choosing the manual option.

Although it may seem like an unnecessary hassle to install an electricity supply initially, this can then be used for other purposes than simply the roller garage door. For instance, you could convert your garage to a workspace or use it to store your washing machine or tumble dryer.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Saving money with insulation!

garage roller door
No one wants to spend more on their bill than they need to. This is why people invest in double-glazed windows and attic insulation. However, people generally forget about their garage and how much heat can be lost through your garage roller door.

Follow these five simple steps to learn how to insulate your door for a small price and in no time at all.

1. Check

Do a quick test on your garage roller door before you do any insulating. Close your garage door and hold your hand over the all the edges to feel how much is a draft is coming through your garage. Do this on both the exterior and interior sides of your garage roller door to see how much air is coming in and out of your garage.

You will be surprised just how much heat is lost through your garage.

2. Preparation

Preparation is vital when carrying out any form of task and insulating your garage roller door is no different. Measure the exact size of your garage roller door, both width and length. You will need these measurements for the next step, therefore write them down on a piece of paper.

3. Polystyrene Foam
garage roller door

Polystyrene foam is the perfect material to use for an insulator. You can purchase this foam from any hardware store and is light to lift and easy to cut. Cut the foam according to the measurements you took of your garage roller door.

Once you have done this, glue your polystyrene panels to the interior of your garage roller door. This can be done using any hardwearing D.I.Y glue, although it may be best to check with your local hardware store first.

4. Finishing off

To prevent air from escaping between the garage roller door and foam, edge the foam panel with aluminium tape. This will not only help hold the foam panel in place but also increase the level of insulation achieved.

Once you have finished, repeat the same test you did at the beginning. If done correctly, you should notice a significant change in the level of air passing through the gaps.

5. Added extras

garage roller door

To save more money you can also insulate your water heater. Apply the same technique to your boiler as you did to the garage, although there will be no need to check for drafts.

Monday, 23 August 2010

The History of Garage doors...

The first garage idea

garage roller door

As people were used to storing several horses in their outbuildings they thought that this concept could be applied to cars. These buildings looked very similar to modern day car parks, with some private and some publically owned. These was a very good business, however after 1910 there were too many cars to be housed this way.

The first private garage idea

The first idea for an individual garage was dreamt up in 1912. As car sales rose and became far more common place, society needed somewhere to store them and thus the garage was born. It was originally referred to as a different kind of outbuilding and cars were stored next to horses and carriages. Of course these first garages did not possess a door, let alone a garage roller door, but as people began to complain about the stink of the horses the idea of a garage developed further.

The first private garage realised

Because the smell of the horses was such a problem, people wanted a different space for their car and thus the garage, as we know it today, was born. The word garage comes from the French garer – to shelter or protect.

The first garage doors

garage roller door

Obviously with the garage holding such a valuable object, they needed a door. Rather than the current garage roller door, the first garage door was like a barn door.

However, with the many obvious problems that this would cause, sliding doors were the developed as the nest best option.

The garage roller door

The sliding door design too had problems and on their third attempt to design a garage door they got it right and the garage roller door was born. In 1921, the overhead garage roller door was a huge success and became the norm when owning a garage.

The first garage roller doors where made out of thin panes of wood hinged together to enable to garage door to fold, but 1940 the option for flip-open resin plywood door became available. This was a lighter option than the solid wooden doors. However, in the 1970s galvanised steel became the material of choice.

The garage roller door opener was introduced in 1937 nearly 10 years after the automatic element to garage doors had been added in 1926, however due to cost or trend the garage opener was not a huge success for 30 years after its launch.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Does your garage roller door reflect your personality???

Thinking of re-painting your garage roller door, or just had a brand new one fitted? Why not check out the list below and see what the colour of your garage roller door says about you.

1. Black

As black is the darkest of colours it is often associated with fear and immortality, which may imply that you are someone who worries. It might also suggest that you have a lot of fears compared to the average individual and that death is one of those.

Black is a colour that is able to cover anything and therefore, if your garage roller door is black it could suggest that you are a very conservative and reserved individual. Not one to act on impulse, you are more likely to sit in the corner and observe than be the life and soul of the party.

2. Purple

Purple is a very regal colour and often associate with royalty and riches. Having a purple garage roller door may imply that you are a very wealthy household but also that you are very arrogant and think extremely highly of yourselves.

On the other hand it is also symbolic of creativity and eccentricity, suggesting that you an artistic and imaginative individual, however as purple is a very rare natural colour and so can also be considered artificial, thus insinuating that you too are fake.

3. Gold

A gold garage roller door is very suggestive of a heavenly household. Gold is always associated with the gods, decorating places such as temples and churches.

Gold is also the colour of generosity and therefore could imply that you too are generous. Wisdom is another characteristic symbolised by the colour of gold, and therefore it appears that gold is a very complimentary colour to have on your garage roller door.

4. Pink


The colour of pink is a very youthful, fun and exciting. It is often used to symbolise care and tenderness as well as energy and style. Although thought of as a very feminine colour, a pink garage roller door does not suggest girlie notions of candy floss and lipstick but instead qualities that are very valued in a man nowadays.

Pink is also the colour of love and could act to hint that your home is one filled with love and acceptance as this too is symbolised by the colour.

Monday, 16 August 2010

How to buy your amazing Roller Shutter Garage Door!

5 quick and easy to follow steps to ensure you don't make a mistake ordering your roller garage door!

1. Measure

When purchasing roller shutter garage doors the first thing you must do is measure your existing door. It is wise to measure both the actual garage door and the surrounding wood of the garage door opening.

The measurements you acquire are one of the most important aspects when ordering roller shutter garage doors, as if you get these wrong your garage door will not fit.

roller shutter garage doors

2. Colour

Deciding upon the colour of roller shutter garage doors is always best done before you buy. This cannot be a rush decision as your will see it every day. Also you do not want to pick a garish or boring colour in a rush that you will regret in a few weeks time.

Also, colours can also symbolise people’s personalities so this may be something else you may want to consider. Such as, red roller shutter garage doors could imply that you are an angry and passionate individual.

3. Effect

It is also possible to have an effect on roller shutter garage doors. This can include a number of wooden effects or a metallic sheen rather than a simple matt painted finish. However, once again this is a choice that needs quite a lot of consideration.

4. Mechanism

The final decision you must make before ordering roller shutter garage doors is regarding the opening and closing mechanism of your garage door. There are two choices you need to decide between and these are electronically or manually. There are advantages and disadvantages of both. For example, electronic roller shutter garage doors can be opened using remotes, however you must have an electrical supply to your garage. Manual doors on the other hand do not require electricity and are very light weight to open, however there is no remote choice should you be tired or it is raining heavily.

roller shutter garage doors

5. Quote & Buy

Once you have made all the decisions and are happy with your choices it is time for you to source a quote. Make sure that you obtain quotes from a few different companies in order to guarantee you get the best price you can. Every company is different and it can take either a few hours or a few days and therefore it is worth getting in touch with a few people.
Once you have obtained a quote you are happy with you can start the simple process of handing over the money.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Why it is great to buy a Roller Garage Door!

When choosing a new roller garage door you need to ensure that you make the best decision. Don’t be hasty and buy the first thing that you see as not only will you see this garage door every single day but you will also use it every single day. Roller garage doors are seen as the best but why? Find below 5 questions that will clear all your Roller garage concerns.

1. Why are they so durable?

Unlike wooden garage doors, roller garage doors are made from light weight metals such as steel or aluminium. Although wooden garage doors are treated to make them weatherproof, these treatments are not ever-lasting and eventually the wood will become damaged or rotten.

Roller garage doors are obviously waterproof but the paint is also treated to prevent peeling or chipping. Also if your roller garage door gets knocked in anyway, forming a dent, this can easily be reversed.

2. Why is the roller mechanism preferred so much?

Unlike traditional garage doors, Roller garage doors are great space savers especially when you garage is used for many more items than just your car. As the roof of a roller garage doors glides along the ceiling of the roof there is no need to ensure that there is space for the doors either side of your garage.


3. Why can they be produced so cheaply?

All the materials needed to produces a roller garage door can be sourced directly from European manufacturers and this reduces the price significantly. If you buy your roller garage door from an honest and ethical supplier you will also benefit from these cheap materials via a low overall cost.

4. Why do they have safety features?

A roller garage door comes with fitted reflective photocells. These photocells prevent your roller garage door from closing when an object is in its way. As a result, you will never have to worry about your roller garage door causing damage to your car, belongings, or even your children.

Being installed with safety features not only enables a roller garage door to stand out from the crowd but also allows you security that you are investing in a long term item.

5. Why do they come in such a range of colours?

Whichever roller garage door you buy you need to ensure that you are completely happy with it. Therefore, choosing the right colour and effect for your roller garage door is vital.